Sunday, 30 December 2012

The Human Equation

The Human Equation
Acrylic On Canvas
30 x 20"
     Inspired by Albrecht Durer's Melencolia but with a modern urban setting. I have lots of time to think lately which isn't always a good thing. Maybe the new year will yield some reward for my efforts.

Saturday, 29 December 2012

Doncaster Open Art Exhibition 2012

Small Dreams
Acrylic On Canvas
30 x 20"

Acrylic On Canvas
22 x 16"
     As mentioned earlier in this blog i was part of the Doncaster open art exhibition again this year. These are the two pieces that were selected to go into the exhibition. I enjoy working toward this exhibition as it gives me a reason to push myself technically and creatively.

Wednesday, 19 December 2012

Church View

Church View
Acrylic On Canvas Paper
20 x 16"
     A painting of the old art College in Doncaster. I exhibited some work there as part of the New Fringe Open Art Exhibition.

Tuesday, 18 December 2012

A Wasted Existence.

A Wasted Existence (Still On Mars)
Acrylic On Canvas Paper
23 x 15.5"
     I guess you could call this a self portrait of sorts. I often wonder what will become of me if i dont succeed as an artist. All i can do is keep trying and force my way.


Acrylic On Cardboard
14 x 10"

     More Bellydancers. I really dont need an excuse to draw them. Its nice to have something to paint that can be just pretty without having a concept to it.

Tuesday, 4 December 2012


Acrylic On Canvas Board
9 x 6"
     This started out as a quick sketch on a small piece of canvas board board i found at the bottom of  a draw. Image, something that could have lay forgotten for years being reborn as this painting.

What Else is There

What Else Is There
Acrylic On Canvas
22 x 16"
     This took a hell of a long time to work on as i made several changes to the painting over the course of its creation. Originally it wa supposed to all be purple but at the size it was this looked a bit boring. Slowly over time i added more and more details until i got to the end result here. You can thank Royksopp for the title.


Acrylic On Cartridge Paper
16.5 x 11.7"
     Sometimes letting the paint do what it wants yields unexpected but amazing results. Sometimes the hard part is not the painting but trying to get the colours on the computer as close as possible to what they are in the real world.

Saturday, 1 December 2012

Seasonal Spirits

The Spirit Of Winter
Acrylic On Canvas Paper
28 x 10"

The Spirit Of Summer
Acrylic On Canvas Paper
23 x 15.5"
     Here are two paintings i recently completed. Both were larger than the paper i had and so required the joining up of two sheets. This worked quite well though and allowed me to make better compositional choices. I like them though the sun looks a little malevolent. Maybe they are evil spirits.

Working Process

Pencil Drawing With Masking Fluid Blobs

First few layers complete
     Above you can see my working process for the painting The Spirit Of Winter. Once the pencil drawing was complete i applied some masking fluid to create little white areas once the paint had been applied. Even though i am using Acrylic this technique still works if the paint is thin. The bottom picture shows how the painting comes to life even after just a few layers of paint have been applied.

Friday, 30 November 2012

Fish Swimming In My Head

Little Fish
Acrylic On Canvas Paper
14 x 10"
     There must be something i like about fish because i keep finding reasons to paint them. Maybe it was that Hiroshige book i bought. This one didn't take too long to do but the textured gesso seems quite effective at portraying water.

Thursday, 29 November 2012

Raiding Folders

Acrylic On Canvas
12 x 10"
     The purpose of this blog is not just to showcase Artwork that is complete or my best or even fitting to how i normally work, but to provide me with a place to show the other stuff i do which might not see the light of day otherwise. Here is one such painting i did earlier in the year that i found in a folder. Jewellery design is another area that interests me and so sometimes i create little paintings like this. I plan on putting up some work in progress shots soon of a series of paintings i am working on right now in my next post so stay tuned.

Wednesday, 21 November 2012


Acrylic On Canvas
14 x 10"
Acrylic On Canvas
14 x 10"
      These are the last few pictures im going to be able to upload for a while given the poor weather. ATS Bellydancers give me the opportunity to combine both abstract and representational elements in my art with ease, from sweeping movements to small accessories. The possibilities are endless and they are great fun to paint.

Monday, 19 November 2012


Three Spirits
Acrylic On Canvas
16 x 12"
In The Shade
Acrylic On Canvas
14 x 10"
     Here are a couple of landscapes i have worked on. I like painting landscapes a lot as you dont have to pay them to model for you. I now try to incorporate more backgrounds into my figurative work where i can as i think it makes the images seem more complete, even if they are abstracted.
     Three spirits was submitted along with two other paintings for the Doncaster open art exhibition but didnt make the cut. I still got the other two in though so that was ok with me. The other two paintings will be uploaded when i get them back again and if the weather permits me to photograph them.

Sunday, 18 November 2012

New Fringe Open Art Exhibition Entries

The Old White Door
Acrylic On Canvas
16 x 12"
Acrylic On Canvas
16 x 12"
     Well here they are as promised, the first of a selection of paintings i have completed over the last few months. These two in particular were exhibited alongside many others at the Fringe open art exhibition at the old Doncaster Art College in September. I was quite pleased to have my work exhibited and to become a member of the New Fringe.

Saturday, 17 November 2012

New Paintings On The Way

     Over the next week i will be uploading my most recent paintings for your viewing pleasure. I hope to get hold of  a Tungsten light sometime in the near future so as not to be at the mercy of the weather when i need to photograph my art. Anyway this corner of my world is where all my completed paintings live until i can make a record them. Keep an eye out for my new stuff.    

Wednesday, 31 October 2012

Away too long

     I realise i have not updated this blog in some months and will be correcting that from now on with regular updates. So what am i working on right now. Well take a look at those two prints above. The tree with the moon is one that i plan to add colour to, blue for the moon, while the one with the house will just a black. Well thats all for now but expect more from me very soon.

Tuesday, 5 June 2012

Pillars and Posts

Post 1
Acrylic on paper
14 x 10"
     This is the first in series of pillars and posts i am working on. More to come soon. On these paintings i have decide to leave in the construction lines to reinforce their architectural nature.

Wednesday, 16 May 2012

INK 2012

     Here are some lino prints i have been working on for the past week. The two smaller ones below are for Staffordshire University's INK 2012 exhibition. I hope to have a third entry ready for printing by Friday and will be making ten editions of each of them. They're mini prints measuring twelve centimetres squared which was good practice for me as i haven't made prints since my art foundation course.

Wednesday, 2 May 2012

Watersoluble Graphite experiment

Dancer in Red
Watercolour on Paper
     This painting was an experiment using two types of wet media. I used watersoluble graphite to draw the more abstract parts of the drawing and again to add tone to the dancers body. Though the graphite is watersoluble, its quite water resistant when dry and watercolour washes can be applied right on top of it without fear of contamination.

Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Green Door

Green Door
Watercolour on paper
11.7 x 8.3"
     I wanted to do some more architectural images and so have started to paint things like doorways and columns. This is the first one i have completed so far. More to come soon. It is also different from my usual work as there is no abstraction with the focus being on the design.

Sunday, 8 April 2012

More Religious Paintings

Into the Wilderness
Mixed media on canvas
24 x 24"
The Annunciation
Mixed media on canvas
24 x 18"
     Another couple of paintings with the Christian religion as inspiration. In my own vision of course. The top one is based on the expulsion from the garden of Eden, the bottom one should be obvious from the title.

Thursday, 5 April 2012

Cherry Blossom

Cherry Blossom
Mixed media on canvas
18 x 14"
     A more detailed verison of the ACEO i created earlier. This was made using charcoal, oil and acrylic on stretched canvas.

Monday, 2 April 2012

Watercolour Bellydancers

Dancer in Purple
Watercolour on paper
Dancer in Blue
Watercolour on paper
     Here are two watercolous of bellydancers i painted. I used the tribal fusion style as inspiration for the costumes as they are beautiful and very layered. I want to do more of these as i really like to watch this type of dancing. Hopefully the next ones will be more detailed and i can better study the movements of the dancers.

Friday, 30 March 2012

Mini Adventures

To start my new blog i thought i would share some of my ACEO's. This is a new thing for me and i love being able to create small works of art quickly.