Sunday, 31 August 2014

Duty Of Care

Duty Of Care
Acrylic On Canvas
10 x 14"
      A painting not just about the Nintendo Gamecube controller but also about  our responsibilities. With the controller we act as guardians to the characters we control in videogames. Their fate is in our hands and we are given so much power over an individual.
     Some games make us care about the characters more and we build a relationship with that character. But it is ultimately up to the player to ensure they succeed and in this we become responsible. Through interactive media, stories come alive and we also find our own reasons to take care of the characters. It doesn't matter that its not real as we experience the emotion anyway through either empathy, anger and love.
     This painting is part of a series of works around the theme of videogames and goes alongside 'I Used To Be An Adventurer Like You'. Tomorrow I will post the next in the series and have three paintings as a complete work.

Friday, 29 August 2014

Resting Belly Dancer

Resting Belly Dancer
10.9 x 9.9"
     I've been meaning to make some pictures featuring belly dancers for a while now. It's one of the few things I love that I don't actually do myself. Being male it's a world I feel I can only view from the outside but never be  apart of. If only things were different. So instead I will try to show the beauty of it the only way I know how, Through art.
     The drawing for this is from a life drawing class but I added the dancer gear. It was originally supposed to be a wood block print and although I have it ready I haven't got around to printing it yet. In the meantime I thought it would be ideal for making a papercutting, after all artists across the centuries have made the same image in different mediums. This may be something I do for my other works. So here it is and look out for the print in the near future.

Tuesday, 26 August 2014


Graphite On Paper
11.75 x 16.5"
     I seem to have accidently stumbled upon a theme recently. I keep making art of animals in pairs. First there was the deer and now this. I'm also working on a collage right now of two sheep. It's nice to have theme that ties the artwork together even when working with different mediums.

Tuesday, 19 August 2014

House By The Road

House By The Road
Acrylic On Canvas
20 x 24"
     Edward Hopper has been a big influence on my work this last year and so when I saw this building I couldn't resist making a little homage to his painting 'House By The Railroad'. Its not an exact replica you understand as its a British design of building and even the lighting is different but I think its a good compliment to his. In the end I achieved what I set out to do and that's all that really matters.

Tuesday, 12 August 2014


11.75 x 16.5"
     Yet more papercutting. I thought this lovely pair I snapped at Fountains Abbey would make the perfect subject as well. I didn't quite know if it would turn out right with there not being any strong light and shadow but as a line drawing it works. This is why line weight is so important in any artwork.There were a lot more deer in the field at the time and I may do a long painting with them on at a later date.
     On the subject of painting I have finished what will be my second entry into this years Doncaster open art exhibition and will be posting it soon so stay tuned.